Mieli kolegos,

Š.m. rugsėjo 10 d. įvyks nuotolinė 20-oji Baltijos šalių konferencija “Vakcinacijos diena”.

Kviečiame susipažinti su organizatorių kvietimu.

Dear Colleagues!


It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 20th Baltic States Conference VACCINATION DAY, taking place on 10.september 2021.

You can find agenda here.

The objective of the conference is to share experience between internationally acknowledged experts on infectious disease prevention and immunoprophylaxis, as well as discussions regarding several theoretical and practical public health issues.

It gathers healthcare professionals from all Baltic countries who are interested in immunization topics: infectionists, epidemiologists, general practitioners and vaccinating staff.


Traditionally the event takes place in rotating manner in one of the Baltic states, this year being time for Estonia to host the conference.

However, as the epidemiological situation is evolving and the safety of participants is our priority, the decision has been made to hold this international conference virtually this year.

The positive side of this hard decision is that it would allow to reach to bigger audience.


Organiser: Estonian Society for Infectious Diseases

With the support from Sanofi Pasteur


Technical arrangements and logistics: Celsius Healthcare


Registration: Participation in conference is free. To register, please fill in the online registration form HERE.

For questions and additional information please contact us via email konverentsid@celsius.ee